create table movie (
mvnumb number(4,0) constraint mvnumb_not_null not null
constraint mvnumb_pk primary key check (mvnumb > 0),
mvtitle varchar2(30) constraint mvtitle_not_null not null,
yrmade number(4,0) constraint yrmade_not_null not null,
mvtype varchar2(6) constraint mvtype_check check ( upper(mvtype) in ('COMEDY', 'SCI FI',
crit number(1,0) constraint crit_check check ( crit >=0 and crit <= 4),
mpaa varchar2(2) constraint mpaa_check check ( upper(mpaa) in ('G', 'PG', 'R', 'X', 'NR')),
noms number(2,0) constraint noms_check check ( nvl(noms,0) >=0 ),
awrd number(2,0) constraint awrd_check check ( nvl(awrd,0) >= 0),
dirnumb number(3,0),
constraint dirnumb_fk foreign key (dirnumb) references director );

prompt Created table movie.;

insert into movie values
(1, 'Annie Hall', 1977, 'comedy', 4, 'pg', 5, 4, 1);
insert into movie values
(2, 'Dr. Strangelove', 1964, 'comedy', 4, 'pg', 4, 0, 5);
insert into movie values
(3, 'Clockwork Orange', 1971, 'sci fi', 4, 'r', 3, 0, 5);
insert into movie values
(4, 'North by Northwest', 1959, 'suspen', 4, 'pg', 1, 0, 2);
insert into movie values
(5, 'Rope', 1948, 'suspen', 3, 'nr', 0, 0, 2);
insert into movie values
(6, 'Psycho', 1960, 'horror', 4, 'pg', 3, 0, 2);
insert into movie values
(7, 'Interiors', 1978, 'drama', 3, 'pg', 3, 0, 1);
insert into movie values
(8, 'The Birds', 1963, 'horror', 3, 'nr', 0, 0, 2);
insert into movie values
(9, 'Samson and Delilah', 1949, 'religi', 2, 'nr', 1, 0, 3);
insert into movie values
(10, 'Guess Who`s Coming to Dinner', 1967, 'comedy', 3, 'nr', 6, 2, 4);
insert into movie values
(11, 'Manhattan', 1979, 'comedy', 4, 'r', 2, 0, 1);
insert into movie values
(12, 'Vertigo', 1958, 'suspen', 4, 'nr', 0, 0, 2);
insert into movie values
(13, 'Judgment at Nuremburg', 1961, 'drama', 3, 'nr', 6, 2, 4);
insert into movie values
(14, '2001', 1968, 'sci fi', 4, 'g', 2, 0, 5);
insert into movie values
(15, 'The Man With the Golden Arm', 1955, 'drama', 3, 'nr', 1, 0, 6);
insert into movie values
(16, 'Anatomy of a Murder', 1959, 'suspen', 4, 'nr', 4, 0, 6);
insert into movie values
(17, 'Inherit the Wind', 1960, 'drama', 4, 'nr', 2, 0, 4);
insert into movie values
(18, 'Laura', 1944, 'suspen', 4, 'nr', 3, 1, 6);
insert into movie values
(19, 'The Ten Commandments', 1956, 'religi', 3, 'nr', 1, 0, 3);
insert into movie values
(20, 'The Moon is Blue', 1953, 'comedy', 2, 'nr', 1, 0, 6);
insert into movie values
(21, 'Stagecoach', 1939, 'wester', 4, 'nr', 1,1,7);
insert into movie values
(22, 'Rear Window', 1954, 'suspen', 4, 'nr', 3, 0, 2);
insert into movie values
(23, 'Mogambo', 1953, 'wester', 3, 'nr', 1, 0, 7);
insert into movie values
(24, 'Grapes of Wrath', 1940, 'drama', 4, 'nr', 2, 2, 7);